Saturday, December 23, 2006

New baby

Sorry for the lag between posts. It was the end the semester which is always busy, and then on December 19th my wife and I had our baby.

I have played quite a few cash games in short bursts recently. Mainly, I am playing NL holdem. I am playing full buy in NL holdem and playing quite LAGGY pre-flop with decent results. First, I take down quite a few pots PF, players can never put me on a hand, and some players think I am also a maniac post-flop (which I am not). This all results in making decent money postflop. I am also playing some of the cap NL games at full tilt where the most you can win or lose in a hand is 30 big bets. When there are not many of those I just buy into a game for 30 big bets. The strategy is different there - big cards and big pairs are more valuable, small connectors and small pairs are less valuable - but it seems quite profitable.

I had a 2nd in a (really) small bugsysclub tourney last week, so now I have three of the "round 3" entries for the WSOP freerole. In that freerole, the top 2 players will win a WSOP seat, and I have one buyin and 2 rebuys for it. I won my 2005 WSOP ME seat through that freerole in September 04 and tend to play well vs. bugsysclub players, so I am looking forward to that freerole in early February.


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