Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I am going to be swamped with work for February, so I am not sure how much I will be able to play (several papers to write/revise, along with a couple grant applications due).

I have played some cash games recently. I tried limit cash for a while - it went great for a while and I won a ton at 3/6 and 5/10 - the players seemed so bad! Then of course, I lost most of it back, and the players didn't seem so horrible anymore. That sent me back to NL - where things have gone OK. I have mostly short-stacked NL cash on FT poker, but have also played some HU ($1 bb, $100 buyin). Tonight I played HU NL for a short while while I lost a couple buyins to one player. I was down 3.5 buyins but the player was so mediocre I stayed and won 1.5 buyins back.

A short while later I decided to two-table HU NL for a while ($100 buyin, again). I was playing a guy and won about a buyin from him. I searched his name, and he was only playing one table. Then, however, on my other table the player left and this guy joined my other table. So I was playing two tables, both against the same player. Since he was only playing these two, I don't think this was a coincidence. He must have thought I was a donk. I ended up taking this guy for almost 6 buyins - after he was down 2.5 buyins, I was about to go. I actually left one table, but on the other, I ch-raised all in on a JJ62 flop w 99 and he called with A9 and lost. I felt bad about hitting-and-running, but I had sat out. I told him I was planning to leave, but would stay for another 15 minutes since I did not want to hit-and-run. He asked me to get back on the other table, which I did. He started playing pretty bad after that - and I took another couple buyins from him. I perhaps should have stuck around, but my wife and I were going to watch TV - sometimes +EV poker is not +EV life, so I left. I am generally happy taking 6-buyins from someone, however.


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