Playing just a bit – thoughts on cash games
I still am busy, but have a moderate lull in my schedule this week. I have been able to play a little, and have mostly played 1/2 blind NL. I have started playing full ring, and simply tightening up my game PF, and the results have been good. I have not jumped onto 1/2 NL 6-max tables recently, but the games have not been this easy since before neteller. Perhaps the U.S. fish are finding a way to deposit money into sites again. Either that or some U.S. sharks have given up. Whatever the reason, I though the cash games had gotten a lot tougher from right after neteller left until mid-March or so. Now they seem to be getting a bit easier. I have seem some WTF type calls from people, which are very profitable and I did not see as many of those in the past couple months.
I usually buy in for $80 on those tables and 3-4 table, although I actually have 5-tabled it easily. I need to get a dual monitor setup so I can start to 8-table. I think that would be a profitable investment.
When will I have time to play tourneys?
I have 1200 in T$ at stars, and several hundred also at Ultimate Bet, but I don’t know when I will get to use them. It might not be until after my school year is over, although I suspect I will be able to sneak in a tourney here or there. My plan is to play the nightly 150s or Sunday millions with these T$ on stars, and the 120 bounty or sunday 200K on UB. However, I am sure a few smaller tourneys or satellites will eat some of the funds. Still - I should get buyins for at least 7 $100+ tourneys out of this. Hopefully I can hit a big score.
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