Sunday, April 22, 2007

Played a little the past few days - big tourney mistake

I played a little the past few days. Thursday I played the bodog $40 tourney, 25K guaraneteed. I was doing well, was chip-leader for a while with under 100 left, and decided that when it got down to two tables, I would try being a bit more aggressive to try to get a lot of chips going into the final table.

That was a mistake. I normally play the final 3 tables so well, that I should not have changed. I am plenty aggro in spots, but also know how to be patient. I chose an awful spot for an ill-timed bluff and busted in 18th. I got paid a miserable $250 or so, when top 6 all paid over $1K. It was an awful feeling, and so uncharacteristic of me to donk it up so late. My usual strategies work. If I want to make subtle changes, I should just follow along with toro or TP and think through each situation late.

In other news, I have played some PLO and NL holdem. Overall, I am down a bit, but it is because the one time I bought in full and played I lost with A6 to AQ on a AQ6 board to get stacked.

Also, once summer rolls around, I am going to play the majors most Sundays, or at least the million. The money at the top is so big, I have to throw in my lottery tickets each week.


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